Wheathampstead Heritage: Virtual Museum Exhibit

Beech Hyde Farm
19th Century
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Victorian white-brick farmhouse adjacent to the Wheathampstead earthwork that includes Devil’s Dyke

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The current Beech Hyde Farm consists of a Victorian farmhouse and a range of farmyard buildings now occupied as commercial premises.  It is one of the few buildings in the Wheathampstead area constructed using the white brick more commonly found in Cambridgeshire.

Beech Hyde Farm adjoins the site of the Wheathampstead earthwork that includes Devil's Dyke and the Slad.

Old Beech Hyde (about 500 yards to the south-east) was formerly Beech Hyde Farm.

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Beech Hyde, Devils Dyke, Slad

Beech Hyde: Old Beech Hyde  

Devils Dyke: Slad, The  

Slad: Slad, The  

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Date Created: 18/12/2012 17:30:05, by: Richard   Date last edited: 28/03/2014 19:32:04, by: Richard

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