Wheathampstead History Society

Latest news


When our book The Pubs of Wheathampstead 1830 to 1914 was published in 2019, it sold more than 400 copies in a few months. It has been out of print since then but, following renewed demand, we have had one more reprint and a limited number of copies are now available. To read more about the book, click here. To order a copy, please email us at whs@wheathampsteadheritage.org.uk . Price £5.00. Delivery is free in Wheathampstead; postage £2.00 elsewhere.




Wheathampstead has a long and fascinating history and the History Society, which was set up in 2011, aims to share our interest and enjoyment in this history and heritage. We aim to promote knowledge and understanding of the village, past and present, often in liaison with other interested groups both in the village and further afield (See Links).

We meet on the third Wednesday in the month in the Mead Hall in East Lane (behind The Bull, next to the free car park) and have a programme of speakers . We also publish a monthly bulletin.

We encourage local people to research our local history and heritage.

MEMBERSHIP is £10.00 a year for individuals. Visitors are charged £3.00 per meeting attended. Members are also affiliate members of Welwyn Archaeological Society and have free access to their meetings. 

You can become a member at any of our meetings or by downloading this membership form and sending it to the address shown. You can pay your subscription by cheque made out to Wheathampstead History Society, or by BACS to a/c 73 46 26 92, sort code 20 53 33.


Chairperson:  Mike Smith

Hon. Treasurer: Stuart Lawson

Hon. Secretary: Ruth Jeavons, 44, Necton Road, Wheathampstead, St Albans AL4 8AU

Email address: whs@wheathampsteadheritage.org.uk