

The Society's collection of the memories and reminiscences of Wheathampstead residents come from four main sources:

1. Edited transcripts of interviews carried out by Lady Daphne Grierson in 1956. The elderly respondents recall life in Wheathampstead in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Click here.

2. Essays and articles of varying lengths written for Brian Joyce's website in the early 2000s. Click here.

3. Transcripts of interviews carried out by members of the Society from the 1970s to the present day. These are listed below. 

4. Transcripts of interviews recorded by Amy Coburn in 1976 and 1977. We are working on these and adding them to this list as they become ready.


 Clare Abrahall                Wheathampstead 1907 to 1914. High Street. Gustard Wood.

Roy and Lillian Coates  Wheathampstead 1930s to 1960s. School, World War 2,

    with Brenda Dawes           High street, railway.

Rita Cobb                        Hatfield Road in the 1940s. Children's games.

Amy Coburn                   High Street and cottage life in the 1930s.

Amy Coburn                   World War 2 in Wheathampstead. Air raids. Home Guard.

Carol Cornell                  Wheathampstead 1940s/50s/60s. School. East Lane. Railway.

Joyce Curry                    St Helen's School in the 1920s/30s.

Winifred Deans               Wheathampstead 1920s to 1940s.

Sydney Dollimore           Wheathampstead 1913 to 1930s. High Street. Farming.

Pam Dunham                 Wheathampstead 1950s to present.

Ken Garrett                     Wheathampstead 1930s/40s, inc.Home Guard.

Douglas Glenister          Wheathampstead 1920s/30s, St Helen's School, Murphy's, RAF.

Robert Gregory              Amwell. World War 2, V1. National Service. Teaching. 

Jack Hyde                       Wheathampstead 1920s to 1950s. Life story.

Richard Ivory                  St Helen's School during World War 2.

Marie Jones                    World War 2. Wheathampstead 1960s and 1970s.

Dorothy Kok                    Wheathampstead 1920s to 1950s. St Helen's School.

Len Lambe                     Wheathampstead 1940-1964. Memorial Hall, Cory Wrights.

Pam Latchford                St Helen's School in the 1930s.

John Matthews               Wheathampstead 1930s to 1970s. Church; farming; the Dump.

Mr Mayles                        Wheathampstead 1930s/1940s. School. High Street.

Olive Norris                     The Folly in the 1930s/40s. School. Poaching.

Mena Pearce                   Village life pre-World War 1. George Wren. Church.

Alan Riddell                    Harry Riddell's saddlery.

Eric Seabrook                 Nicknames in the early 20th century.

Kay Sharpe                     Wheathampstead in 1943.

Dianne Taylor                  Evacuated to St Helen's School in 1940.

Dennis Toyer                   Wheathampstead 1940s/50s. Smithy. Rose Lane.

Annie Wren                     Childhood at Lamer House in the 1890s.  (Amy Coburn 1977)